Keynote Speaker

Professor Raghavendra (Raghu) Rau (University of Cambridge)

He is currently the Sir Evelyn de Rothschild Professor of Finance at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. He is also a past president of the European Finance Association, Head of the School’s Finance & Accounting subject group, Director (Research) of the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) and a member of the Cambridge Corporate Governance Network (CCGN).

Professor Rau has taught at a number of universities around the world, including the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences PO), Purdue University, the University of California at Los Angeles and most recently, the University of California at Berkeley.

Professor Rau was Principal at Barclays Global Investors, then the largest asset manager in the world, in San Francisco from 2008-2009. He is Co-Editor of Financial Management, and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance, the International Review of Finance and the Quarterly Journal of Finance. His research has frequently been covered by the popular press including the New York Times, the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Economist, among others.

His research interests include corporate finance; market efficiency; the acquisition and use of information by market participants in a competitive framework.

Awards & honours

  • FMA Competitive Paper in Corporate Finance Award for the paper “Do compensation consultants enable higher CEO pay? New evidence from recent disclosure rule changes”, 2015
  • Ig Nobel Prize in Management for the paper “What doesn’t kill you will only make you more risk-loving: early life disasters and CEO behavior”, 2015
  • International Finance & Banking Society best paper in conference award for the paper “What doesn’t kill you will only make you more risk-loving: early life disasters and CEO behavior”, 2015
  • Keynes Senior Fellowship, 2014
  • Club 7 Member, Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley (for teaching excellence, based on student evaluations), 2009
  • The Chinese Finance Association Best Paper in Corporate Finance Award, 2008
  • Runner-Up, Salgo-Noren Teaching Award for Outstanding MBA Teacher of the Year, Purdue University, 2007
  • Dean’s Outstanding MBA Core Course Teaching Award, Purdue University, 2005, 2007
  • Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance (Q Group) Award, 2003
  • Chicago Quantitative Alliance Award, 2002
  • School of Management Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, Purdue University, 2001
  • John and Mary Willis Young Faculty Scholar Award, 2001
  • EFA Barclays Global Investor Award, 2000
  • Krannert Faculty Fellow Award, 1999
  • FMA “Best of the Best” Award, 1996
  • FMA Competitive Award for Business Finance, 1996
  • Indian Institute of Management Merit Scholarship, 1988
  • Delhi University Merit Scholarship, 1987
  • National Talent Merit Scholar, India, 1982

Selected publications

Here are a selection of Raghavendra Rau’s publications.

Bernile, G. Bhagwat, V. and Rau, P.R. (2015) “What doesn’t kill you will only make you more risk-loving: early-life disasters and CEO behavior.” Journal of Finance (available online via the SSRN) (forthcoming)

Mola, S., Rau, P.R. and Khorana, A. (2013) “Is there life after the complete loss of analyst coverage?” The Accounting Review, 88(2): 667-705 (DOI: 10.2308/accr-50330)

Rau, P.R. and Xu, J. (2013) “How do ex ante severance pay contracts fit into optimal executive incentive schemes?” Journal of Accounting Research, 51(3): 631-671 (DOI: 10.1111/joar.12001)

Rau, P.R. and Stouraitis, A. (2011) “Patterns in the timing of corporate event waves.” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 46(1): 209-246 (DOI: 10.1017/S0022109010000694)

Cheung, Y.-L., Rau, P.R. and Stouraitis, A. (2006) “Tunneling, propping, and expropriation: evidence from connected party transactions in Hong Kong.” Journal of Financial Economics, 82(2): 343-386

Cooper, M.J., Gulen, H. and Rau, P.R. (2005) “Changing names with style: mutual fund name changes and their effects on fund flows.” Journal of Finance, 60(6): 2825-2858

Many of Professor Rau’s papers are available via the Social Science Research Network.